- relWinCount: Relative number of winning matches. A number between 0 and 1 where 0 means, no matches won and 1 means all matches won.
- relUndecidedCount: Relative number of undecided games. Also a number between 0 and 1. 0 means no match was undecided and 1 means all matches where undecided.
- relLossCount: Relative number of lost games. Also a number between 0 and 1 with the same meaning as above.
- relDurationMeanOnWin: The mean relative duration of winning games. A value between 0 and 1. 0 means that the mean duration of all winning matches was 0 and 1 means that all won games had exactly the maximum allowed time. Generally a low value indicates a better robot than a high value because it could faster defeat the opponent. If no match was won the value is set to 0.
- relDurationMeanOnLoss: The mean relative duration of lost games. A value between 0 and 1. 0 means all matches where finished immediately and 1 means all matches lasted exactly the maximum allowed time. So a high value indicates a fairly good robot as it did not win but could resist longer than a robot with a low duration value. If no match is lost the value is set to 1.
For the GEVA genetc algorithm a decending fitnessfunction is needed. Meaning that high positive values indicate bad fitness and low values stand for good fittness. 0 would be the best possible fitness value.
Fitnessfunction for lost matches
To keep it simple at first a fitnessfunction for lost matches is designed. In scala it looks like the following. The values for relWinCount and relDurationMeanOnWin are 0 for the following considerations.Here is the sourcecode in scala.
def fitness(result: TestResult): Double = {
// Duration makes only sense if any match was lost or won. Otherwise take fixed value
val relDurationMeanOnLoss = if (almostZero(result.relLossCount)) 1.0 else result.relDurationMeanOnLoss
val relDurationMeanOnWin = if (almostZero(result.relWinCount)) 0.0 else result.relDurationMeanOnWin
// Increasing fitness function
val inc = 1.0 + (1.0 - result.relLossCount) * winLossFactor + relDurationMeanOnLoss +
result.relWinCount * winLossFactor + (1.0 - relDurationMeanOnWin)
// Invert to get a decreasing fitness
1.0 / inc
This is actually an increasing fitnessfunction based on the parameters described before. In the last codeline the value is inverted to get a decreasing fitnessfunction.
It was now a challange to find a sensible value for the winLossFactor. Trying it out was my way.
I calculated fitnessvalues for different relLossCount, relDurationMeanOnLoss and winLossFactors.
The following diagrams show the results.
A factor of 20 favors the winning of games where a lower factor as 2 favors quick winning. As both is necessary an intermediate value of 5 will be chosen for the beginning.
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