Thursday, November 24, 2011

First Results of the Parameter Optimizing GA

What does that mean? You see the fitness of a whole population of 50 individuals for diffrerent generations (about 180). The red line is the average fitness of all individuals, blue shows the worst - and green the best fitness.

How is fitness defined? Each individual has to play ten times against a rather good fuzzy controlled robot. You can see two of these robots in action here.... If the tested controller looses it gets 900 points, if the game is undescided it gets 1000 points and if it wins it gets 1100 points. The results of the ten games gets added. Aditionally to the points there is a bonus for the duration of the game. If the robot looses, but the game lasts long it gets a relative high bonus. If the robot is the winner it gets a bonus for short duration of the game. So the fittest is if it wins in short time.
A fitness of 9000 means that the tested robot looses always in very short time. After about 100 generations the max fitness gets values that are sometimes 9800. That means there was one robot that could avoid to be kicked off the arena for quite a long time.
Hopefully the max value will exceed 10000. That would mean there were robots that could defeat the testrobot.

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